Need Room for Inherited Antiques or Furniture?

Choice-Storage-Solutions-Inheritance-ManagementChoice Storage Solutions is the perfect place to store all your family memories.

Many family inheritances come with a truckload of furniture and antiques, including vehicles, and you find yourself with nowhere to store them. Maybe you need time to make space in your home to fit it all in, or you can’t keep all of it and are thinking of selling to a dealer, considering an estate auction, or even considering donation. It could be awhile until you finalize your decisions and are able to make any of that happen.

In the meantime, while you’re getting organized, Choice Storage Solutions has

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How to Store Your Car or SUV

Do either of these scenarios in the images below look familiar to you?

They are definitely no way to store your vehicle. If you want to keep your it from the ravages of our Canadian winters or the heat of the summer sun, this is not how to do it.

Leaving your vehicle out in the elements without protection leaves it open to damage not just from debris from passing cars or maintenance vehicles, but snow also contains many chemicals that are harmful to paint and metal because it absorbs them in the air and from sidewalk and street cleaning.

Covering your

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Spring Has Sprung

Choice Storaage Spring Has SprungSpring has finally sprung at Choice Storage Solutions.

Like a lot of things that are left to sit for a number of months some of the small repairs and changes you wanted to make to your RV or Trailer have now become a priority.

Why not stop into the office if you need a hitch repair or even something a bit more serious like a cracked fuel line?

We can give you a repair and support referral that can get you back on the holiday road in no time.

Give us a call anytime.


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